
Step 5: Put Your Community’s Plan into Action

No matter how well thought out your flood and stormwater management plan is, without putting that plan into action your community will continue to face flood and stormwater management challenges. Implementing flood and stormwater management plans isn’t just a one time decision. It is a dynamic process that involves regular communication between decision-makers and technical staff to adapt to changing conditions, lessons learned, and new data.  

Navigate the Flood Step 5 sets out ways technical staff can execute flood and stormwater management plans as well as guidance for baking adaptive management strategies into implementation to ensure ongoing monitoring and performance data inform regular updates and improvements to your community’s operation of flood and stormwater systems. Explore Subsections (a)-(e) below to take Step 5 towards navigating the flood. Each Subsection includes case studies and technical and financial resources that will help you put your community’s dynamic flood and stormwater management plan into action.

Culminating at Step 5 Navigate the Flood guides local decision-makers and managers and staff through the multifaceted process of planning for and building sustainable, resilient, and equitable stormwater and flood management systems. Stay in the flow and dive into the Guide’s deep well of technical and financial resources in the All Resources library. Looking for a way to connect with experts who can provide hands-on support and practical guidance? Access the Guide’s Technical Resources Providers for even more technical, managerial, operational, and financial resources.

(a) After considering steps 1- 4, choose a set of managerial and technical solutions to address the flooding and polluted stormwater runoff challenges in your community.

(b) Clearly outline an implementation roadmap.

  • Decide whether technical projects can be conducted in-house, or if an outside consultant/bid is required
  • For technical/ infrastructure projects, develop a project timeline and design
    (in-house or contract bid)
  • Continue to engage the community  to ensure residents are involved in the planning and decision making process
    • Critical questions at this point in the process: Is the solution you’re choosing in-line with the vision the residents have for their community? Was the community actively involved in the solution decision making process?
  • Develop a design, implementation and maintenance contract

Case Study


(c) Implement the solution.

  • Reference project management templates, structures etc.
  • Assess and ensure internal capacity around contractor management to ensure implementation takes place as specified in the contract
  • Strive for grant or low-interest loan funding opportunities
  • Leverage partnerships with other entities to jointly seek funding opportunities to minimize rate impacts and maximize funding and co-benefits

Case Study



(d) Conduct continuous and adaptive monitoring.

(e) Develop and continuously revise operation and maintenance strategies while considering opportunities for new/more efficient revenue sources.

All Step 5 Resources

City of Tigard Stormwater Master Plan | 2017

The Plan addresses Tigard’s existing flooding, water quality, erosion, and maintenance issues, and provides several corresponding recommendations.

Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority: A Wet Weather Case Study of Incorporating Community Interests into Effective Infrastructure Decision Makings | US EPA, 2018

See specific sections: The Problem: Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), Need for a Long-Term Control Plan, and Camden’s Sewershed Alternatives Analysis

The Building Blocks of An Effective Stormwater Management Plan | MOST, 2015

This tool is a free 1.5 hour online course designed to provide skills to develop an effective stormwater management plan and communicating the basics

Enacting, Implementing & Funding Stormwater Programs | NACWA, 2016

This resource is a white paper that provides legal considerations for funding municipal stormwater programs.

Federal and State Funding Programs- Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Projects | US EPA, 2017

This resource provides a list of 23 federal and state grant opportunities for stormwater and green infrastructure projects.

Guidance for Municipal Stormwater Funding | US EPA, 2006

This resource provides a series of high-level stormwater funding and financing considerations.

Funding Stormwater Programs | US EPA, 2008

This resource is intended to assist local stormwater managers understand the alternatives available to fund their stormwater program.

Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grants | FEMA

Funds available for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to property insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.

State Revolving Fund (SRF) Resources | Southwest Environmental Finance Center

This resource provides a repository of information for each state's State Revolving Fund programs. Click on a state to navigate to its resources.

One Water Roadmap | US Water Alliance, 2016

See specific sections: Watershed-scale thinking and action, Arenas for Action and Arenas and Strategies for Action to work on developing goals

Stormwater Financing and Outreach | UMD EFC

This resource provides a series of stormwater and flood management case studies.

Operations and Maintenance Plans by infrastructure Type | The City of Portland Oregon, 2020

This resource describes various stormwater infrastructure types as well as “most popular” and “most recent” deployed in various settings.

Create a Municipal Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan | Land Studies, 2020

This resource is for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) communities and details pollution prevention and best management practices.

Stormwater Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan | XYZ Corporation, 2018

This document provides example Inspection and Maintenance Logs and how to respond when responsible individuals change.

Community Led Research Toolkit | River Network, 2021

This resources provides tools for equitable climate resilience and fostering community-led research and knowledge.

Potential Funding Sources, New Jersey Stormwater Utility Resource Center | New Jersey Futures, 2020

This resource describes the usage of fees to fund the planning work to create a stormwater utility and tabulates various funding opportunities.

Stormwater Fees: Overview of Municipal Stormwater Fee Programs | PEC, 2019

Key sections include: stormwater within your municipality, stormwater fee calculations, and development and implementation.

The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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