

Federal and State Funding Programs- Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Projects | US EPA, 2017

This resource provides a list of 23 federal and state grant opportunities for stormwater and green infrastructure projects.

Asset Management Programs for Stormwater and Wastewater Systems: Overcoming Barriers to Development and Implementation | US EPA, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical steps to be considered during AMP development and highlight real-world barriers to development.

National League of Cities Grant Opportunities | NLC

NLC provides hands on technical assistance, education, and training in addition to supporting cities to connect with funding opportunities

National Stormwater Calculator | US EPA, 2017

This tool is a software application intended to help users control runoff and promote the natural movement of water.

Subdivision Design and Flood Hazard Areas | APA, 2016

This resource serves to make the case for better flood management and highlights the value of an integrated community approach.

Know your Flood Risk and Take Action | FEMA, 2020

Learn how to Identify what properties are in the flood zone within your municipal boundary. Know your risk, know your role, and take action.

Making the Right Choice for Your Utility: Using Sustainability Criteria for Water Infrastructure Decision Making | US EPA, 2015

The purpose of this report is to provide a process for utilities to compare a range of infrastructure alternatives objectively via 4 planning elements

Green Infrastructure: Build, Learn, Partner | US EPA

This resource provides and expands upon three broad categories regarding green infrastructure: build, learn, and partner.

A Guide to Assessing Green Infrastructure Costs and Benefits for Flood Reduction | NOAA, 2015

This resource provides a 6-step framework to inform planning assessments and prompt conversations regarding green infrastructure.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Municipal Stormwater Programs | US EPA, 2008

This resource outlines the purpose and evaluates the effectiveness of municipal stormwater programs.

The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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