

A Guide to Flooding in Philadelphia | Philadelphia’s Citywide Flood Risk Management Task Force, 2017

This guide was designed as a tool to support property owners and residents.

Tips for Defending Rate Increases | RCAP, 2021

Navigating the misperceptions, lack of or false information around rate increase and how to communicate accurate information to your rate base.
Type: Technical

Items to Consider When Calculating a Water Tap Fee | RCAP, 2021

A check list of costs to consider when considering to calculate a water tap or stormwater fee. Costs to include such as labor, equipment, etc.
Type: Technical

National Video Resource Library | RCAP, 2021

The National Video Resource Library has a variety of resources that are useful to small, rural drinking water and wastewater systems.
Type: Technical

Resources Library | RCAP, 2021

The online RCAP Resources Library has a variety of resources that are useful to small, rural drinking water and wastewater systems.

Comparison of Continental Hydrological Models Helps Improve Water Management | Princeton University, 2021

For the US, two enormous models have been developed that capture hydrological processes—from forecasting floods to predicting groundwater levels.

National Flood Insurance Community Rating System | FEMA, 2021

(CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed minimum NFIP requirements.

EnviroAtlas | US EPA

The EnviroAtlas Interactive Map is a discover and analysis tool. To begin, you can choose to tour, learn, or explore on your own.
Type: Technical

Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT) Risk Assessment Application for Water Utilities | US EPA, 2021

CREAT allows users to evaluate potential impacts of climate change on their utility and to evaluate adaptation options to address them.
Type: Technical

Navigator’s Checklist

Navigator's Checklist for Managing Local Flood and Stormwater Challenges
Type: Technical

The Pillars of Water Equity | US Water Alliance, 2021

This resource is the framework section of US Water Alliance's water equity clearninghouse. Other sections include Search and Explanation of Terms.
Type: Technical

National Flood Insurance Program Terminology Index | FEMA

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) terminology index is a list of floodplain management terms, plus regulations, policies, and guidance.
Type: Technical

Appendix D: FEMA Glossary | FEMA

A list of flood related technical terms and their definitions.
Type: Technical

EPA Glossary of Terms | US EPA

EPA offers a glossary of terms for those in EPA regulations or other official documents.
Type: Technical

Enhanced Model Stormwater Ordinance | New Jersey Future, 2021

This resource serves as a new tool to help towns update their stormwater ordinance to increase green infrastructure and reduce flood risk.
Type: Technical

Integrated Planning for Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater | US EPA, 2021

This resource provides approaches and additional resources for planning and integration of Municipal Stormwater and Waste Water
Type: Technical

Community Resilience Benchmarks | ANCR, 2020

This resource is intended to prompt stormwater decision makers to make sure their community is resilient against flooding.
Type: Technical

CREAT Risk Assessment Application for Water Utilities | US EPA, 2020

This resource will help you identify grey infrastructure vulnerabilities within your system.
Type: Technical

Solving Water Challenges in Disadvantaged Communities: A Handbook to Understanding the Issues in California and Best Practices for Engagement | Water Education Foundation, 2018

This resource is intended for anyone in, or involved with, communities throughout CA to connect with agencies that can help.
Type: Technical

A Multi-Benefit Approach to Water Management | Pacific Institute, 2021

This resource explores how to develop solutions to flood and stormwater challenges through Multiple Benefits.
Type: Technical

An Equitable Water Future: A National Briefing Paper | US Water Alliance, 2017

This resource includes two primary sections: Part One: Water Stress and Vulnerable Communities and Part Two: The Pillars of Water Equity.
Type: Technical

Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates: KS | NOAA

This resource serves as a tool to obtain predictive information for your geographic area on precipitation depth and intensity.
Type: Technical

Project Accelerator | WaterNow Alliance

This resource provides free assistance via hands-on support to get your water initiative off the ground.
Type: Technical

Technical Assistance Organizations | US EPA

This resource provides a list of drinking water organizations in New England who provide technical assistance to public water systems.
Type: Technical

Circuit Rider Program | USDA Rural Development

The program offers technical assistance for rural water systems that are experiencing operational, financial or managerial issues.
Type: Technical

The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP)

(RCAP) is a non-profit network of six regional organizations that are working to support and advocate on behalf of rural and tribal communities.
Type: Technical

Environmental Finance Centers | US EPA

EPA provides grant funding to these ten university-based environmental outreach programs.

Manage Floodplain Risk | FEMA

This resource provides information on how to meet the National Flood Insurance Program Requirements - the most affordable way to reduce flood risk.
Type: Technical

Ask an Expert Portal | WaterNow Alliance

Once an inquiry has been submitted, TiR experts respond within 5 business days either with an answer to the inquiry or to set up a call.
Type: Technical

Stormwater Fee Literature Review | Chagrin River Watershed Partners, 2017

This resource provides information on the formation of stormwater utilities and collection of stormwater fees in the United States.
Type: Technical

Community Buy-in for Stormwater Funding: An EPA Roundtable Discussion | US EPA, 2020

This resource describes the EPA Roundtable Series Piloted in 2017 and 2018 by the EPA Office of Research and Development.
Type: Technical

“Selling” Stormwater Authorities: Tips for Gaining Community Support | New Jersey Water Works, 2014

This resource provides 5 recommendations on how to communicate a stormwater fee to the community.
Type: Technical

Community Engagement in the Water Sector | Cooperative Research Center for Water Sensitive Cities, 2016

This resource is an outcome-focused review of different community and stakeholder engagement approaches.
Type: Technical

Developing a Methodology for Community Engagement with an Emphasis on Stormwater Management Preferences | University of Florida, 2013

This resource provides a comprehensive analysis of stormwater management methods and approaches, design guidelines, and potential concerns.
Type: Technical

Stormwater Utility Toolkit | American Rivers

This resource outlines the common steps that communities can follow when developing a stormwater utility and getting the community on board.
Type: Technical

Evaluation of the Role of Public Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement in Stormwater Funding Decisions in New England: Lessons from Communities | US EPA, 2013

This resource is intended for MS4 communities considering various options to fund their stormwater programs.
Type: Technical

Enacting, Implementing & Funding Stormwater Programs | NACWA, 2016

This resource is a white paper that provides legal considerations for funding municipal stormwater programs.
Type: Technical

National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies | NAFSMA

This resource includes two relevant committees: Stormwater Management Committee and Flood Management Committee.
Type: Technical

Asset Management Programs for Stormwater and Wastewater Systems: Overcoming Barriers to Development and Implementation | US EPA, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical steps to be considered during AMP development and highlight real-world barriers to development.
Type: Technical

Stormwater Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan | XYZ Corporation, 2018

This document provides example Inspection and Maintenance Logs and how to respond when responsible individuals change.
Type: Technical

Operations and Maintenance Plans by infrastructure Type | The City of Portland Oregon, 2020

This resource describes various stormwater infrastructure types as well as “most popular” and “most recent” deployed in various settings.
Type: Technical

Create a Municipal Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan | Land Studies, 2020

This resource is for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) communities and details pollution prevention and best management practices.
Type: Technical

National Stormwater Calculator | US EPA, 2017

This tool is a software application intended to help users control runoff and promote the natural movement of water.
Type: Technical

The Building Blocks of An Effective Stormwater Management Plan | MOST, 2015

This tool is a free 1.5 hour online course designed to provide skills to develop an effective stormwater management plan and communicating the basics
Type: Technical

Subdivision Design and Flood Hazard Areas | APA, 2016

This resource serves to make the case for better flood management and highlights the value of an integrated community approach.
Type: Technical

Know your Flood Risk and Take Action | FEMA, 2020

Learn how to Identify what properties are in the flood zone within your municipal boundary. Know your risk, know your role, and take action.
Type: Technical

Toolbox for Completing an Alternatives Analysis as Part of an Integrated Planning Approach to Water Quality Compliance Research Investment | WERF, 2019

This tool is free to use, but in order to access it you will need to create a Public Plus account here: https://www.waterrf.org/user/register.
Type: Technical

Making the Right Choice for Your Utility: Using Sustainability Criteria for Water Infrastructure Decision Making | US EPA, 2015

The purpose of this report is to provide a process for utilities to compare a range of infrastructure alternatives objectively via 4 planning elements
Type: Technical

Green Infrastructure: Build, Learn, Partner | US EPA

This resource provides and expands upon three broad categories regarding green infrastructure: build, learn, and partner.
Type: Technical

A Guide to Assessing Green Infrastructure Costs and Benefits for Flood Reduction | NOAA, 2015

This resource provides a 6-step framework to inform planning assessments and prompt conversations regarding green infrastructure.
Type: Technical

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Municipal Stormwater Programs | US EPA, 2008

This resource outlines the purpose and evaluates the effectiveness of municipal stormwater programs.
Type: Technical

One Water Roadmap | US Water Alliance, 2016

See specific sections: Watershed-scale thinking and action, Arenas for Action and Arenas and Strategies for Action to work on developing goals
Type: Technical

Estimating Benefits and Costs of Stormwater Management, Part 1: Methods and Challenges | EFC at Sacramento State, 2019

This resource provides information on methods and approaches to analyze benefits and costs of stormwater management practices.
Type: Technical

Urban Stormwater Management in the United States | National Research Defense Council, 2008

This resource aims to understand the connection between stormwater pollutant discharges and water quality to assess current management practices.
Type: Technical

Technical References for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping | US EPA

This resource provides list of 8 technical references essential to the success of a program, yet are not considered to be standards.
Type: Technical

The Growing Threat of Urban Flooding: A National Challenge | Texas A&M University, 2018

This resource provides information on the effects of floods across the United States.
Type: Technical

Flood Risk Templates and Other Resources | FEMA, 2019

This resource provides a variety of documents used to support the implementation of Flood Risk Projects. This is a "searchable resource."
Type: Technical

Flood Factor | First Street Foundation

This resource serves as a tool to help residents identify their home's flood risk.
Type: Technical

Where can I find Flood Maps? | USGS

This resource breaks down the purpose of various flood maps developed by FEMA, NOAA, and USGS.
Type: Technical

State and Local Climate Change Adaptation Plans | Georgetown University,

To prepare for climate change, states and communities have begun planning processes that typically result in the development of an adaptation plan.
Type: Technical

Summary of State Stormwater Standards (Post Construction) | US EPA, 2011

See Table 1 for Post Construction Stormwater Standards by state (pages 1-7).
Type: Technical

Methods for Mapping Stormwater Infrastructure | AppGeo, 2018

Stormwater infrastructure mapping is often required for MS4 compliance and can provide useful data and insight to be used for other planning purposes.
Type: Technical

Sources and Solutions: Stormwater | US EPA, 2019

In urbanized areas, precipitation is unable to adequately infiltrate into the ground, increasing runoff and overwhelming the sewer system.
Type: Technical

Identify Your Community’s Stormwater Situation | New Jersey Future

The first thing to consider when establishing a stormwater utility is to acknowledge what you envision for your community now and in the future.
Type: Technical

Guidelines and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping Activities Under the Risk MAP Program | FEMA, 2020

The guidelines and standards define the implementation details of the statutory and regulatory requirements for National Flood Insurance Program map.
Type: Technical

Impaired Waters and Stormwater | US EPA, 2019

This resource provides guidance in assessing impaired waters potentially contaminated with pollutants from stormwater sources.
Type: Technical

Stormwater Sampling Guidance Document | US EPA, NPDES, 1992

This manual provides background for stormwater sampling, fundamentals of sampling, analytical considerations, flexibility in sampling, and safety.
Type: Technical

Water Quality Scorecard | US EPA, 2018

See specific section: Table 1 for Water Quality Scorecard Quick Reference Guide (pages 7-9)
Type: Technical

Technical Assistance Organizations | Drinking Water in New England | US EPA, 2017

This resource provides external EPA links to Technical Assistance organizations for the New England Region and by state: CT, ME, MA,
Type: Technical

The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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