
Step 1: Define the Condition of Your Community’s System

It almost goes without saying that your community’s local flooding and stormwater situation is unique and that you need a specific strategy to address your flooding and stormwater challenges tailored to your geographical, financial, infrastructural, institutional, community, and political setting. Setting a solid foundation for your community’s tailored approach is, however, crucial. That’s why Navigate the Flood Step 1 is to comprehensively define the existing conditions of your community’s flood and stormwater systems before starting to develop a management plan. 

To define the conditions of your flood and stormwater systems, technical staff will need to survey, assess, and document the: 

  • existing state of physical infrastructure 
  • city/utility financial health, e.g., ability to fund and finance capital investments and operations and maintenance
  • staff’s internal technical and financial management capacities 
  • legal and regulatory requirements governing the operation of the system
  • non-profit or community agencies working in your community and region to identify potential project partners
  • available planning tools and potential opportunities for collaboration (see Steps 2-5 for planning tools, etc.). 

Explore Subsections (a)-(f) below to dig into the details of Step 1 towards navigating the flood. Each Subsection includes case studies and technical and financial resources that will help define the condition of your community’s flood and stormwater systems.

(a) Determine the existing physical conditions of the watershed and waterways, anticipated climate change impacts, and flood risks and associated tools.

  • What are the potential causes of flooding?
    • Upstream rivers and streams
    • Bridges/Dams
    • Increased urbanization
  • Identify any climate change or flood related models for your regional geography to review
    • Potential increase in precipitation
    • Potential increase in precipitation intensity
    • Potential increase in sea level rise

Case Study



(b) Evaluate the causes of stormwater runoff and the stormwater drainage system.

  • What are the potential causes of polluted stormwater?
    • Impervious surfaces (building roofs, parking lots, roads)
    • Construction activities
    • Industrial activities
    • Municipal sources
    • Agricultural sources
  • Identify whether physical assets have been physically or electronically mapped (GIS)
  • Identify percentage and type of stormwater systems (CSO vs MS4)
  • Identify condition and location of the following
    • Inlets
    • Grey Infrastructure – man-made single purpose systems
    • Green Infrastructure – man-made structures that mimic natural systems
    • Unchannelized ditches and streams
  • Identify if there are total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and if stormwater sampling will support meeting regulatory requirements to address them
  • Identify the type of stormwater sampling required under permit requirements, eg:
    • Industrial and commercial sites
    • Receiving waters
    • Areas of special biological significance

Case Study



(c) Review available technical, managerial and financial documents to assess current internal capacity to address flooding and stormwater management.

Examples of documents to review include:

  • Strategic plan
  • Asset management plan and capital improvement plan
  • Operations and maintenance plan
  • Financial plan and staffing/HR plan
  • Authorizing legislation/ordinance (what a utility can and cannot do as defined in the state or municipal code establishing the utility)
    • Ordinaces should be written in a way that maximizes stormwater capture and minimizes stormwater impact from private properties


Case Study


(d) Review planning needs and identify and document all current and potential future regulatory requirements to address flooding and stormwater.

  • Identify level of compliance with regulatory requirements and if your management practices are currently equitable. Note: you can be in compliance, but be inequitable 
    • Federal
      • Identify any water quality impairments per the relevant states’ Clean Water Act 303(d) list and applicable TMDLs
    • State
      • Stormwater volume control requirements (post-construction of projects)
      • Redevelopment standards
      • Authorizing legislation defining what the financial capacities are e.g.:
        • Ability to collect rates and for what
        • Ability to debt finance and for what
    • Local
      • Master Plans
      • Zoning Laws
      • Local Charter Requirements
      • Permits



(e) Identify stakeholders and create a structure for community engagement.

Stakeholder and community engagement are relevant at every stage of the planning and implementation for your project. The Navigate the Flood Stakeholder Engagement Plan outlines how you can meaningfully engage your community in surveying the existing conditions of your system. The case studies and technical resources linked below provide additional community and stakeholder engagement guidance.


Case Study


(f) Connect with neighboring communities to identify opportunities to jointly manage flooding and stormwater.

  • Identify operational and managerial opportunities to work together with neighboring municipalities to address flooding and stormwater challenges
  • Recognize that flooding and many stormwater challenges are not localized, they may begin or end outside of your municipal boundaries
    • Work with your neighbors to understand these challenges and collaborate
    • Collaborative approaches to flooding and stormwater challenges may lead to more funding opportunity for your region


All Step 1 Resources

The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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