

Resources Library | RCAP, 2021

The online RCAP Resources Library has a variety of resources that are useful to small, rural drinking water and wastewater systems.

National Flood Insurance Community Rating System | FEMA, 2021

(CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed minimum NFIP requirements.

Flood Funding Finder | American Flood Coalition, 2021

This resource serves as a free, interactive digital tool that simplifies the federal grant access process.
Type: Financial

Environmental Finance Centers | US EPA

EPA provides grant funding to these ten university-based environmental outreach programs.

CDBG: Community Development Block Grant Programs | HUD Exchange

Resources to assist HUD's community partners. The CARES Act and Disaster Recovery Program are two relevant programs that support water projects.
Type: Financial

State Revolving Fund (SRF) Resources | Southwest Environmental Finance Center

This resource provides a repository of information for each state's State Revolving Fund programs. Click on a state to navigate to its resources.
Type: Financial

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants | FEMA

This resource provides funding for eligible mitigation measure that reduce disaster losses and currently has 5 grant programs.
Type: Financial

Community Stormwater Solutions Grant | Department of Energy & Environment

The Community Stormwater Solutions Grant Program provides funding for innovative, community-oriented and –inspired projects.
Type: Financial

Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grants | FEMA

Funds available for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to property insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.
Type: Financial

Funding Stormwater Programs | US EPA, 2008

This resource is intended to assist local stormwater managers understand the alternatives available to fund their stormwater program.
Type: Financial

Stormwater Fees: Overview of Municipal Stormwater Fee Programs | PEC, 2019

Key sections include: stormwater within your municipality, stormwater fee calculations, and development and implementation.
Type: Financial

Guidance for Municipal Stormwater Funding | US EPA, 2006

This resource provides a series of high-level stormwater funding and financing considerations.
Type: Financial

Federal and State Funding Programs- Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Projects | US EPA, 2017

This resource provides a list of 23 federal and state grant opportunities for stormwater and green infrastructure projects.
Type: Financial

Urban Water Funders | The Funders Network

This resource serves as a matching grant program that enhances local capacity to build equitable and sustainable communities in the United States.
Type: Financial

Tap into Resilience Toolkit | WaterNow Alliance

This toolkit addresses financial and legal questions that arise when scaling investment in decentralized stormwater management solutions.
Type: Financial

Potential Funding Sources, New Jersey Stormwater Utility Resource Center | New Jersey Futures, 2020

This resource describes the usage of fees to fund the planning work to create a stormwater utility and tabulates various funding opportunities.
Type: Financial

National League of Cities Grant Opportunities | NLC

NLC provides hands on technical assistance, education, and training in addition to supporting cities to connect with funding opportunities
Type: Financial

The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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