
Stakeholder Engagement Plan

It is crucial to recognize that components of stakeholder and community engagement are relevant at every stage of the planning and implementation for your project. Successful and well-run projects that are outlined in this guide have incorporated stakeholder and community engagement in different ways through their projects. There is much to be learned from these examples while tailoring a stakeholder engagement plan according to specific local needs and conditions.

Some key things to keep in mind:

  • the correct identification of stakeholders and affected parties with regard to any infrastructure project
  • developing a coherent and well thought out communications plan which takes into account room for disagreement and differences of opinion and means to incorporate these differences within the final plan

Community meetings

  • Hold in person, community meetings to identify the most effective way(s) to sustainably disseminate information and actively engage the community 
  • Identify methods of communication (online/paper)
  • Identify community goals and values
  • Engage with local community groups already working with community members on stormwater, flooding, and public health (or related) issues 



Other methods of community engagement

  • Smaller, informal gatherings
  • Focus groups
  • Ambassador programs
  • Trusted intermediaries 
  • Customer Advisory Committee
    • Keep champions and potential adversaries up to date

Case Study



Science based information gathering, education and action

  • Inform residents of floodplain zone and associated risk
    • Identify the difference between sewer basement backups and overland flooding
  • Inform residents of polluted stormwater runoff risks
    • Identify the water quality challenges and how they impact the end user or recreator


Policy based information gathering and action

  • Identify regulatory stakeholders 
  • Gather information on flood insurance
    • Who’s eligible and how to access




The Water Center at Penn and WaterNow Alliance Flood and Stormwater Management Guide

With support from the Kresge Foundation

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